Memorial of the most holy name of Jesus

1R: 1 JN 2:29 3:6   PS 97: 1,2-3cd-4,5-6
GOS : JN 1:29-34

In the gospel we have john the baptizer, identifying Jesus as the " lamb of god "
The Lamb of God taking away the sins of the world is a clear reference to the paschal lamb.

In the Old Testament there are two concepts related to the sacrificial lamb

  1. The most familiar, that is the unblemished lamb through the blood of which the Israelites were finally freed from the slavery in Egypt under the leadership of Moses.
  2. The lamb which had to be sent to the wilderness with the sins of Israel tied to its neck, on the feast day of atonement, the feast of "yon ki purim "

Reflect on the fact that Jesus took on him the sins of the world upon himself.
He shed the last drop of his blood on the cross so that i and you may be saved from eternal slavery.

Oh what an immeasurable and salvific love of God!




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