2nd Sunday of ordinary time.

1R:  Is 49:3, 5- 6.   
PS  39 :2 & 4 ab, 7- 8 a, 8 b- 9, 10
2R:  1 Cor 1: 1 - 3 1   
GOS JN  1: 29 - 34

The central theme of today's reading is :
Jesus is the Lamb of God who won our salvation as the suffering servant by offering his very life.
Therefore we need to live and die like the Lamb of God.

There are 4 'suffering servant ' songs in Isaiah in chapters 40 - 55.
Today's passage is from the 2nd servant song.

When we call Jesus as the lamb of god, we should know that it has five  definite connotations.

1.) The lamb of atonement, sent to the wilderness.
2.) The paschal lamb.
3.) The lamb offered twice a day at the 'black altar ' in the temple
4.) The lamb that was taken for the slaughter, as seen in prophets.
5.) The "horned lamb"

How to live and die as Jesus the lamb of god:

To live as lamb of god;  
a.) Leading pure, humble and service oriented life.                                            
b.) Appreciating providence                                             
c.) Eating the Eucharist.

To die as lamb of god;
a.) Sharing the blessings, time, talents, money ,knowledge with others and be happy at other's well being.                                         
b.) Bearing witness in times of illness and difficulty.                                         
c.) Offering the sufferings in union with the crucified Jesus for the salvation of all.




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