1 R : 1 SAM 24  : 3 - 21.
Ps   56 : 2,  3 - 4, 6 & 11
Gos : MK 3 : 13- 19.

From the word of god let's draw few lessons:

In the gospel we read about the selection of 12 apostles. Mark says that Jesus climbed the mountain.
Luke says before selecting the 12 Jesus spent the entire night in prayer.

Have i asked any time the question as to

Why Jesus had to pray ?

Jesus prays because he is acutely aware of the fact that, he is carrying out the father's mission.
Therefore he wants his approval, his concurrence and endorsement.

In our case: building a Christian family, ward/ parish community, service activities------
Whose mission is it any way?
If i accept that it is god's mission i too will pray like Jesus while taking decisions as regards the above and make god my major partner; kind of M.D./ C.E.O. of my concerns.

In the first reading we have a beautiful example of ethical behaviour.
Though Saul is placed in the hands of David and David had all the justifications to kill saul
Still, David refrains from raising his hand against Saul.

This shines out in complete contrast to the popular ethical " thumb rule " :

If the other is good  i am good
And if the other is bad  i too know...................

Human nature has this dangerous tendency to pounce on the opponent when one is indefensible.

Remember Konkani saying:

Vag kanianth padliar sakkad sangthath.......... Mojey khelam   mojey khelam .

( if the tiger falls in the trap then everybody tell; it has eaten mine it has eaten mine, means may be one's dog or calf, or cat etc.)




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