News: By Fr Francis Rodrigues, Raknno

Msgr. Fredrick V. Pereira the former Vicar General of the Diocese of Mangalore went to the heavenly abode at 11.30 a.m. today Sunday 27th of Feb. 2011.

He was born on 12 – 9 – 1936 in Valencia as son of Mrs. & Mr. Aloysius Pereira.  He lived 74 years  of life & 49 years of Priestly life as he was ordained a priest on 4-12-1961.


Msgr. Fredrick V. Pereira

After his ordination he served as assistant Parish Priest at Milagres Church Mangalore.  After being the Secretary of Bishop of Mangalore for some years he had been to Rome to have Doctoral studies in moral theology from Urbanian  University of Rome.  After his studies he was back in Bishop’s House  as chancellor and secretary to the Bishop of Mangalore.  Later he served as the Parish Priest of Cathedral for 8 years and Parish Priest of Madanthyar for 9 years.    After being Parish Priest of Urwa for 4 years he was the second Diocesan Rector of St. Joseph’s Inter Diocesan Seminary Jeppu for 5 years.  From 2003-08 he served as the successful Vicar General of the Diocese of Mangalore.  After a year long service as the Director of St. Antony’s Charitable Institutions Jeppu he served as the campus minister for a year in St. Joseph’s Engineering College, Vamanjoor. Since 2010 he was on medical leave residing at St. Antony’s Senior Priests’  Home, Jeppu. 

As Parish Priest of Madanthyar & Correspondent of the Madanthyar Educational Institutions he was known for  completing the Sacred Heart College project and houses for the poor in Madanthyar.  In 1988 Fr Fred V, Pereira the parish priest of Madanthyar and Fr Robert Crasta the College Principal  started a programme called ‘earn while you learn’ for the needy students. According to this program the students would work for a part of the day to earn to provide for their studies. The parish gave those students the work and supported financially. The saga of the college is not just about success. It has faced many tribulations, of which the financial burden has been enormous.

The 1989 was declared as the year of austerity in Madanthyar in order to pay the heavy debts incurred to build the college. During that year all celebrations were cancelled and each home in the parish and each class room kept a box in order to gather savings. It is an important event in the annals of the college. Besides, several cultural programmes were conducted to collect money.

There was contemplation to close the college due to lack of student strength and financial constraint. The relentless efforts of the correspondent Fr Fred and the principal rejuvenated the college to  greater heights. The college celebrated its decennial in 1992. If Fr Liguory D’Souza is called the architect of modern Madanthyar Fr Fred V. Pereira is named as the ‘Builder of Modern Madanthyar’. To mark the contribution of Fr Fred, the hall that was built by Fr Robert Crasta, is named Fr Fred V Pereira auditorium.

Accoring to Most Rev. Dr. Aloysius Paul D’Souza the Bishop of Mangalore Fr. Fred is a committed & dedicated Priest of the Diocese of Mangalore. 
According to Msgr. Denis Prabhu the Vicar General he is a self less Priest always thought of others.  He was like a two side burning candle that shed light into every side.

According to Fr. Peter S. Noronha the classmate of Fr. Fred, he is a person who always thought of others.  The duty was first for him then everything else. Being a good singer in earlier times he entertained children through his songs wherever he had been.

According to Fr. John Fernandes another classmate of Fr. Fred, he is hard working and simple. Even though he was not so intellectual during his seminary studies he was very human and adjusting.  He did nothing for himself but everything for the church and others.

According to Fr. Joseph Martis the present Rector of St. Joseph’s Seminary, Fr. Fred was a dedicated Rector of this Institution and his assignment.  He humbled himself and instilled a lot of interest and enthusiasm in the Seminary.  De-centralization in the administration  of the seminary was his key-note of management.  He tried his maximum towards the financial development of the seminary.

Msgr Fred was rushed to Fr. Mullers hospital at 11.15 am today from St. Antonys’ because of a sudden heart failure.  After being anointed by Msgr Denis Prabhu, Msgr Fred breathed his last at 11.30 am at Fr. Mullers hospital. Bishop and Vicar General have condoled his death.



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