Report : Mrs Ivy Serrao
Pics : Austin and Anita Rodrigues

On Thursday, April 11, 2024, Corpus Christi Church held a prayer service from 5 to 9 pm, drawing parishioners for an evening of spiritual reflection .The event, spanning several hours, featured various components aimed at nurturing faith and offering supplication.The service commenced promptly at 5 pm with an intercession prayer led by Mrs. Ivy Serrao and Mrs. Celine D'Souza, guiding attendees in collective prayer for personal and communal intentions. Following this, from 5:30 to 6:30 pm, congregants participated in the Holy Eucharistic mass and recitation of the Novena to Infant Jesus's devotion.Transitioning into a session of praise and worship from 6:30 to 7:30 pm, Br. Elias and his team led the congregation in uplifting melodies, accompanied by the melodious voice of Br. Osmond Lobo, fostering an atmosphere of spiritual renewal and reverence.Fr. Roshan D'Cunha delivered a poignant homily, centering on the blessed Virgin Mary and her immaculate conception, urging attendees to emulate her virtues and embrace a life of holiness. The sermon delved into the life of Mary, encouraging individuals to follow her example as a model of faith and devotion.The prayer service also included a segment of adoration to the blessed sacrament, during which specific petitions were offered, particularly for young adults seeking employment opportunities and students seeking admission to colleges, as well as prayers for the well-being of small children.Concluding the evening, Rev. Fr. Onil D'Souza bestowed the benediction, imparting blessings upon all present.

The event concluded with a simple dinner served to attendees, The prayer service at Corpus Christi Church served as a moment of spiritual enrichment and communal bonding, reaffirming the significance of faith and prayer in the lives of parishioners.

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