by John Menezes

Thursday 24th December 2020. Christmas night mass was celebrated at 7.30 p.m. in the church compound which was decorated to meet the Christmas pomp with stars and lights. Before the mass the church choir sang Christmas carols from 7 to 7.30 p.m. The ground was full with the people numbering around 850.  Rev. Fr. Rakesh  Mathias was the main celebrant with V.Rev. Fr. Paul Sequeira  (Parish Priest) and Rev. Fr. Norbert Rodrigues(from Bareilly Diocese) as co-celebrants.





















After the mass baby Jesus was venerated by bowing heads and also people wishing each other with joining hands to keep up with the COVID restrictions. Cakes were distributed to all  who attended the service.

We wish you all Merry Christmas and blessing of Peace & Joy of Christ.

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