ICYM Office Bearers' Charge Handover Ceremony was organised by ICYM Moodbidri Unit on 2nd June 2024 in the Corpus Christi Church Mini Hall.

Director of ICYM Moodbidri, Rev. Fr. Onil Dsouza and Animators Mr. Kevin Dsouza and Mr. Royston Pinto were present. The ceremony began with a prayer led by Anisha Noronha. The gathering was welcomed by outgoing president Reuben Serrao.

The annual report was laid down by Galvin Pinto and the annual accounts overview was presented by Javin Dsouza.

Rev. Fr. Onil Dsouza led the oath taking ceremony. The executive posts were handed over to the new executive members by the previous executive members. Reuben Serrao stepped down from the stage to make way for the new President Vian Dsouza. Vian Dsouza addressed the gathering focusing on his goals to be achieved in his tenure and requested the Unit’s support in achieving them. New Secretary Ishal Rebello read out the objectives of ICYM.

Rev. Fr. Onil Dsouza gave his message to the Unit focusing on the need to instil the objectives in all the programmes.

The ceremony concluded with a Vote of Thanks by Galvin Pinto. Primal Aranha compered the ceremony.

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